Share market advisor Interview in Hindi | Stock market broker interview questions | PD Classes
Equity Advisor interview
Share market /stock market advisor / broker
What things affect stock market ?
Political upheaval ,interest rates , current events,exchange rates fluctuations, natural calamities
What are the types of shares ?
Ordinary shares , non voting,preference, cumulative,non cumulative , participating, non participating preference shares, convertible , non convertible preference shares , redeemable , irredeemable preference shares
What is full form of SEBI ?
Securities and exchange board of India
What are the major functions of SEBI ?
Issuers of securities, investor , protective function , regulatory function , development function , protection to the investors
What are the types of investment?
Growth investment, defensive investment, shares , property ,cash , fixed interest
What are the investment tools?
Stocks , bonds , mutual funds , exchange traded funds
What are the types of shareholders?
Equity shareholder , preference , debenture shareholder
What is the difference between stock and share ?
A share is financial instruments that represent the part ownership of a company where as stock is financial instrument that represent part ownership of a one or more companies
What is a market cap ?
The total value of all company’s shares of stock
What are the different types of equity shares ?
Ordinary, preference shares, bonus shares , right shares , sweat shares , issued share capital , authorised shares capital
What are the classification of stock ?
Income stock , penny stock , speculative , growth stock , cyclical stock , value stock , defensive stock
Full form of NSE ?
National stock exchange of India Ltd
What are the classification of stock based on market capitalisation ?
Large cap stock , small cap , mid cap , preferred stock , hybrid , growth , income stock
What are the difference between money market and capital market?
Capital market deals with long term funds where as money market deals with short term funds
What are the types of capital market ?
Certificates of deposit , interbank loans , treasury bills , short term securities loans
What makes a stock crash ?
Economic or natural disasters
Speculation or investor panic
How many parts of debt market , equity market and derivatives market?
Debt market are government securities market, money market , corporate debt market
Equity market are primary and secondary market
Derivatives market are options market and future market
What to check before buying shares ?
Time horizon , investment strategy , check fundamentals before buying a stock , shareholder pattern , mutual funds holding , size of the company , dividend history
What is purpose of share ?
Shares represent equity ownership . Common shares enable voting rights and dividends
What are the 4 stages of stock market ?
Accumulation , markup , distribution , markdown
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/>Equity Trading & Dealer Interview Questions and Answers
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