ЁЯШл Stock market-роЗройрпН роЙрогрпНроорпИропро╛рой ро╡рпЗродройрпИ ЁЯШз | Zerodha-ро╡ро┐ройрпН ро░роХроЪро┐ропроорпН ЁЯдР #shorts

ЁЯШл Stock market-роЗройрпН роЙрогрпНроорпИропро╛рой ро╡рпЗродройрпИ ЁЯШз | Zerodha-ро╡ро┐ройрпН ро░роХроЪро┐ропроорпН ЁЯдР #shorts

Discover the inspiring journey of Nithin Kamath, the visionary behind India’s largest stockbroker, Zerodha. Learn how this young entrepreneur overcame challenges to build a disruptive platform that revolutionized online trading. From humble beginnings to conquering the financial world, this video unveils the secrets of Zerodha’s success. Get ready to be motivated! Watch this video to unlock the story behind the brand. Watch this Short video.
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